Adiós, Panamá!

Our last days in Panama were relatively low-key. After all of the adrenaline and adventures, we spent time on the beaches of Isla Colón. Unfortunately, many of the less-crowded beaches good for relaxing were a ways away from our lodge, and we didn’t much feel like venturing out too far with our limited Spanish. Instead,... Continue Reading →

Flying through the Cloud Forests

  We woke up Thursday morning to strong winds blowing through the valley of Boquete. Trees whipped back and forth, waving at us as we fought headwinds to walk to Sugar and Spice, a bustling breakfast joint on the main road. The pastry selection was overwhelming in the best way possible, and after enjoying a... Continue Reading →

Sleepy Sloths and La India Dormida

Valle del Anton is a sleepy town in Central Panama that is located in the crater of a volcano. It’s small yet quaint, and everywhere you look you are surrounded by verdant mountains. Having arrived rather late the previous evening, we all woke up bright and early to start exploring. Clayton and I were staying... Continue Reading →

The Canal and West of Casco

Monday dawned bright and clear, and Zach, Clayton, and I hopped on a bus to Miraflores Locks, a museum and viewing station for the Panama Canal just north of Panama City. The journey was fairly smooth, though we did get off a stop early in our confusion. Only when we were off the bus did... Continue Reading →

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